Mitchell Center members receive ‘Grand Challenge’ grants
The University of Maine System Research Reinvestment Fund (RRF) has announced the award of 14 new grants for one-year projects that will foster research and development activities in three important areas: COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants; Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Collaboratives (IURCs); and UMS Research Collaboration Networks, as reported by UMaine News. These awards continue work started by the Rural Health and Wellbeing Grand Challenge Initiative.
The projects involve collaborations between two or more UMS campuses and facilitate full research participation of undergraduate and graduate students.
Congratulations to the following Mitchell Center Faculty Fellows who are part of teams that received awards: Sandra de Urioste-Stone, Linda Silka, Allison Gardner, Deborah Saber, Susanne Lee, Travis Blackmer, Caroline Noblet, Laura Rickard, and Bridie McGreavy.