McGreavy featured in story on reviving clam fishery in Frenchman Bay
Bridie McGreavy, UMaine associate professor of environmental communication and a Mitchell Center faculty fellow, works with diverse collaborators as part of the Frenchman Bay Regional Shellfish Program to revive a local clam fishery and the mudflats on which it depends. The program brings together harvesters and representatives from seven municipalities to manage clam flats in the bay through a joint shellfish ordinance.
The Mount Desert Islander and Ellsworth American recently ran a story on the program’s accomplishments and potential next steps, featuring Bridie and other collaborators on the project.
Bridie studies how communication shapes sustainability and justice efforts in coastal shellfishing communities, river restoration and freshwater conservation initiatives, and transdisciplinary collaborations. She is project leader for the Maine Shellfish Learning Network and leads the Mitchell Center’s Strengthening Coastal Economies project.