Hart Invited to Join Global Summit for Interdisciplinary Research
Mitchell Center director David Hart will join a group of 20 global leaders for the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) workshop “Interdisciplinary Research Matters: Pathways to Successful Organizational Models” from March 5-8, 2018 in Annapolis, Maryland. The leaders will discuss strategies used to foster interdisciplinary research, especially in the context of sustainability challenges.
SESYNC identified the Mitchell Center “as outstanding in its approach to interdisciplinarity” and invited Hart “to work with like-minded leaders to contribute your insights and discuss lessons learned.”
The workshop will lay a foundation for improving understanding of how different institutional models successfully catalyze interdisciplinary scientific advances, innovative thinking and durable practices. The participants will also develop a synthesis paper to share best practices with newly appointed leaders of interdisciplinary organizations, research funders, and policy makers.