SSI Undergraduate Student Awarded CUGR Fellowship
May 28th, 2013
Michael Dandy, a junior in UMaine’s Civil & Environmental Engineering Dept.,was the recipient of a Center for Undergraduate Research Fellowship at UMaine for his SSI research project titled, “Extreme Rainfall in a Changing Climate: Developing New Methodologies to Inform Infrastructure Design,”. Michael’s faculty adviser on the project is Shaleen Jain who co-leads the SSI research project, “Helping Communities Weather the Storms”. Michael is working on understanding basic principles of hydrologic design (especially culverts) and implications of extreme storms on infrastructure vulnerability. Michael went on to present his research 27th National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) held at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Michael also presented his research at the UMaine Center for Undergraduate Research (CUGR) Showcase annual event held at UMaine each April.