Two Maine music therapists, along with a Maine-based theatre producer and director, presented the results of their workshops in an April 2021 virtual lecture series. The series was organized with the assistance of the Fred Hutchinson Center, UMaine’s outreach and education center in Belfast, Maine.

The first talk, on April 16th, featured music therapists Carla Tanguay and Kate Beever, who conducted separate workshops that helped participants express their thoughts and feelings about the Covid pandemic through songs. Carla and Kate presented the songs created during their workshops and discussed the role that music therapy can play in helping community members process their experiences of the pandemic.

On April 23rd, playwright, director, and producer Stephen Legawiec presented several of the monologues written and performed by members of the Maine theater community in his workshop, “Scenes from a Darkened Stage.” Following the videos, Maine Folklife Center Director Kreg Ettenger moderated a discussion with several workshop participants. The full recording of the talk and discussion can be found here.