Health and Human Services
Child Behavioral Health Provider List/Maine DHHS: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services Child Behavioral Health Provider List provides information about behavioral health providers in each Maine county.
Children’s Behavioral Health Services/Maine DHHS: Maine DHHS’s Children’s Behavioral Health Services provides behavioral health treatment and services for children from birth until their 21st birthday. Services include providing information and assistance with referrals for children and youth with developmental disabilities/delays, intellectual disability, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and mental health disorders.
Phone: 207. 624.7900
Katie Beckett Option/Maine DHHS:
Katie Beckett is a MaineCare option for children with serious health conditions. It is one of the many ways a child can access MaineCare. If a child meets the rules for this option, the child can receive full MaineCare benefits.
Phone: 207.624.7900
Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS): Maine DHHS serves as a gateway to all Maine DHHS programs and services.
Phone: 207.287.3707
MaineCare/Maine DHHS: MaineCare is financial assistance for health care that is available to persons who meet income guidelines and are eligible based on age, family situation, and health care needs. Visit the website or call for information on eligibility, getting an application, or for help with filling out an application.
Phone: 207.287.3707
Office of Child and Family Services/Maine DHHS: The Office of Child and Family Services offers an assessment for eligibility for case management services, develops Individual Service Plans, and services to meet needs. Case Managers work with families to assist with coordination and advocacy of services for your child. A case management provider list of those contracted with DHHS can be accessed online by clicking here.
Phone: 207.624.7900