Advocacy and Information

211 Maine:
211 Maine is a comprehensive statewide directory of Maine health and human services are available by
calling 2-1-1 or through this website. Connect with a trained call specialist by phone or find answers online
to state health and human services questions and/or assistance in locating needed help and resources.
Phone: 211
Access Maine is a website dedicated to providing a variety of information and resources for Maine citizens
with disabilities, including housing, transportation, employment, advocacy, and other topics related to
independent living. The site includes links to other Maine-based resources.

Autism Society of Maine (ASM):
The Autism Society of Maine provides education and resources to support the valued lives of individuals
on the autism spectrum and their families, including downloadable information sheets and booklets on a
variety of topics, brochures, an online referral database, and special programs including Sibshops, support
groups and special events. ASM is a local chapter of the Autism Society.
Phone: 800.273.5200; Email:

Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies (CCIDS)/University of Maine:
CCIDS brings together the resources of the university and Maine communities to enhance the quality
of life for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. This includes interdisciplinary
education, research and evaluation, community engagement through outreach education and technical
assistance, and dissemination of information and resources through publications and presentations.
Phone: 800.203.6957; Email:

Cromwell Center for Disabilities Awareness:
The Cromwell Center for Disabilities Awareness offers free programs to Maine elementary schools and
communities to help improve sensitivity, understanding, compassion and acceptance of persons with
disabilities. Teacher resources and lesson plans for various grade levels help create a deeper understanding
of persons with disabilities as important community members.
Phone: 207.775.9955

Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research (MAIER):
MAIER offers education and training about evidence-based practices for professionals working with
children and families with autism spectrum disorders, including undergraduate and graduate courses, and
professional development workshops. For families seeking assistance, the institute offers services, resources
and information, support and guidance, and tools to contribute to awareness regarding their children with
ASD. A partnership of the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development and the
Maine Department of Education. Contact MAIER to be placed on their mailing list for e-newsletters, event
announcements and other items of interest to Maine families affected by ASD.
Phone: 207.581.2352; Email:

Maine Developmental Disability Council:
The Maine Developmental Disability Council is a partnership of people with disabilities, their families,
and agencies who identify barriers to community inclusion, self-determination and independence. The
council acts to effect positive change through advocacy, training, demonstration projects and support for
other inclusive and collaborative systemic change activities.
Phone: 800.244.3990, Email:

Maine Parent Federation (MPF):
The Maine Parent Federation is a community for families of children with disabilities. MPF provides
information and assistance on a broad range of topics, help with referrals, one-on-one telephone support,
parent-to-parent connections, training and an online resource database. MPF will match individuals
with a family support navigator who is an experienced parent from their area, and can offer support for
meetings, and help in understanding state laws, accessing services and identifying resources.
Phone: 800.870.7746; Email:

Pine Tree Society:
The Pine Tree Society is dedicated to helping people in Maine with disabilities lead rich, socially connected
lives. Services include assistive technology, communication, community supports and accessible recreation. For
persons with ASD, Pine Tree Society offers case management, an autism transition program, communication
supports, adult life skills and community engagement, and a summer camp for both children and adults.
Phone: 207.443.3341; Email:

State of Maine/Disability Services:
The State of Maine’s Disability Services is an index of state services for children and adults with disabilities,
including case management, crisis services, supported employment, guardianship, MaineCare, personcentered
planning, a provider directory and residential services.
Phone: 207.287.9200 or 888.568.1112