Learning by Imitation
Step 4: Increasing variety of imitation

Rationale: Imitating some sounds, gestures, and actions with objects is just the beginning! The more opportunities your child has to practice imitation, the stronger these skills will become. Teaching your child variations in games gives him and opportunity to practice imitation and also makes the game more interesting, which in turn keeps his attention longer.
To expand on imitation with your child:
- Begin turn-taking games using familiar objects and familiar actions that your child enjoys: develop a “theme” for the game. Once you have a theme going, show your child an easy and fun new action and encourage her to imitate.
- Use these strategies to introduce new play materials to your child and show her new ways to play.
- Make sure you continue to imitate your child’s actions as well – take turns leading and following. This will keep your child’s interest and motivation high.
- Incorporate imitation games across your daily routines. For example, during diaper changes, mealtimes, dressing and bath time.
Read more:
Watch these videos
Toddler games to teach imitation
Teaching imitation through play
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