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Get Air Portland
Trampoline Park with Kiddie Court for little ones!
921 Riverside Street
Portland, Maine 04103
Phone: 207-245-6443
Suggested ages for visiting: Good for all ages
Admission: Admission fee. Special pricing is available for families with children with ASD at specified times.
Special Events: Check their website or call FMI about special events or times.
“My two boys, one with ASD, both LOVE Get Air. On the last Sunday of the month there are special hours and pricing (half-priced bracelets) for people with special sensory needs and their families.”
Sensory Alerts: Get Air Portland can be loud and there is a lot of activity, but there are special sensory-friendly hours.
Jokers Family Fun and Games
Indoor playground activities and arcade, including jungle gym, bounce house and slide, and arcade games
100 Larrabee Road
Westbrook, Maine 04092
Phone: 207-887-9556
Suggested ages for visiting: Good for 0-5 yrs, 6-10 yrs, Preteens (11-13 yrs)
Admission: Admission fee. Special pricing in available for families with children with ASD at specified times.
Special events: “The third Sunday of the month is Sensory Sensitive Sunday. There are half-priced bracelets, tokens, and activity tickets. My two boys, age 3 and 5, love Jokers, especially the Amazing Playhouse.” Check their website or call FMI on these special events or special pricing times.
Sensory Alerts: Jokers is usually quite bright and noisy, but is more sensory friendly during the special hours noted above.