Preparing for the Transition to Adulthood for Students with Disabilities:
What do you need to know?
Speaker: Sarah Howorth, Ph.D., BCBA
Sessions begin at 9am and end by 3:30pm. Sign-in begins at 8:30am. Lunch is the responsibility of participants.
Jeff’s Catering, Brewer
Register online at our secure registration site. Registration closes one week prior to each event, so register early!
Late registrations will be considered if space is available.
This presentation will provide an overview of OSERS recommendations for Transition Services and Requirements of IDEA and the Rehabilitation Act and Supporting Student-Made Decisions for Adult Life.
MORNING: Transition Services and Requirements of IDEA and the Rehabilitation Act
- Transition Services for Students under IDEA
- Transition Services for Students and Youth with Disabilities under the Rehabilitation Act
- Distinctions between New Terms
- Coordination and Collaboration between State Educational Agency (SEA) and VR Agency
- Youth with Disabilities No Longer in School
- Examples to Consider: States are Coordinating Transition Services
AFTERNOON: Supporting Student-Made Decisions for Adult Life
- Setting High Expectations for Secondary School Students with Disabilities
- Person-Centered Planning
- Addressing Students’ Social and Emotional Needs
- Providing the Student and Youth with Support to Make Their Decisions
- Making Informed Choices
Contact hours are awarded free of charge. CEUs (.6) are available by contacting Deborah Rooks-Ellis at MAIER ( A two week notice and $20 processing fee is required for CEUs.
Speaker Bio: Sarah K. Howorth, Ph.D, BCBA is an assistant professor at the University of Maine. Her research interests include assistive technology, augmented reality, PBIS, and improving employment and transition outcomes for individuals with autism and intellectual disabilities. Sarah is a board-certified behavior analyst, and has 18 years of experience in special education. She has taught as a classroom teacher in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, and Shanghai (China).
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Register online at our secure registration site.