Child hands holding Sunflower
First Steps TrainingCurrent EI Practices

Module 2: Current Early Intervention Practice in Maine
Coaching for Part C

Upon completing this module you will be able to describe:

  • How ESDM fits with the Coaching Model that is the current delivery model of service for Part C.
  • Shared principles of RBEI and ESDM
  • The positive outcomes of using a coaching model to deliver Part C services

Maine’s Statewide System: Routines-based Early Intervention (RBEI) delivered through coaching

  • Family/caregivers influence the child, we influence the
    Diagram of RBEI concepts
    Routines-based Early Intervention
  • Children learn throughout the day;
  • Intervention occurs between visits; and
  • Children need maximum intervention; not maximum services (primary service provider model)

RBEI CDS Coaching and ESM Shared Principles:

  • Occurs in a natural environment (IDEA)
  • Promotes everyday learning opportunities (routines-based intervention)
  • Provides increased family involvement
  • Emphasizes integrated intervention throughout the day
  • Promotes learning in all domains
  • Values collaboration with team members
  • Stresses data-driven progress monitoring

Importance of Natural Learning Environments

Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) specifies services for infants and toddlers with disabilities are to be provided within natural environments.

  • Focus on coaching and enhancing skills and competence of parents and other caregivers rather than hands-on intervention with the child.
  • Focus on incorporating intervention into all types of home and community activities and routines.

This leads to: More frequent and higher-quality opportunities for warm, responsive, affectively-charged interactions throughout the day.

Reasons for coaching

  • Parents/family involvement
  • Child interaction with others throughout the whole day
  • Number of opportunities for child learning should be the same or more as presented for typically developing children
  • The majority of intervention takes place after we leave the family’s home – parents are a child’s primary teachers
  • Parents/family want and need to learn how to engage their child

When coaching:

  • Keep in mind every family has their own set of parenting styles and values and hopes and dreams for their child that should be respected within the coaching model.
  • A family’s strengths should be acknowledged and used as the foundation to overcome challenges.
  • Listening, cultural awareness, flexibility, creativity, and self-awareness are all required to build a positive partnership with families.
  • A partnership based on trust and respect must go both ways between families and interventionist for the child to benefit from intervention.

Results of effective coaching

  • Quality of relationships between the child and family members improves.
  • Challenges within a family’s daily life decrease.
  • The family feels supported.
  • Maintenance and generalization of skills are promoted.

Module 2 Reflection: What I Learned?

Describe your understanding and knowledge of each of the following:

  • How does ESDM fit with RBEI/Coaching?
  • Shared principles of RBEI and ESDM
  • The positive outcomes of using a coaching model to deliver Part C services
  • I would like more information about ….

When you complete this section please send your reflection to your instructor.

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