Creating a Toolbox: Sexuality and Relationship Education for People with Autism and Developmental Disabilities (Part 2 of a 2-part series)
Participants are highly encouraged to attend both the October 4, 2018 and the April 11. 2019 sessions as the content of Part 2 builds upon the content in Part 1. However, participants are not required to have attended Part 1 to register for this session.
Speaker: Victoria Slocum, Ph.D.
Sessions begin at 9am and end at 3:30pm. Sign-in begins at 8:30 am. Lunch is the responsibility of participants.
Jeff’s Catering, Brewer
Register online at our secure registration site. Registration closes one week prior to each event, so register early!
Late registrations will be considered if space is available.
Second of a 2-part workshop presenting the history as well as the current state of sexuality and relationship education for people with autism and developmental disabilities. This session will utilize current research to provide specific guidelines for educators and family members/caregivers in understanding what to teach and how to teach sexuality education concepts. We will also discuss self-determination skills, which can help people with ASD make decisions about personal safety, avoid high-risk or dangerous social or sexual situations, and increase personal independence, while exploring the difficult balance that exists between sexual self-advocacy and guarding against sexual abuse.
Participants are not required to have participated in the October 4, 2018 session to attend this session.
Contact hours are awarded free of charge. CEUs (.6) are available by contacting Deborah Rooks-Ellis at MAIER ( A two week notice and $20 processing fee is required for CEUs.
Speaker Bio: Dr. Victoria Slocum is Director of Academic Accessibility at Asbury University in Wilmore, KY. She holds a PhD in Special Education as well as certificates in assistive technology, cognitive disabilities, behavior disabilities, and learning disabilities. Her present research includes sexuality and relationship education for people with intellectual disabilities, as well as the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in their faith communities.
For more information about MAIER Professional Development Series click here
Register online at our secure registration site.