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Auburn Public Library
Auburn Public Library brings people, resources & ideas together to engage, enlighten & enrich our community. Provides a warm & welcoming space for parents & children to play, read & visit with other families. Offers regular weekly & monthly programs as well as special events for kids & tweens. Come for story time, music together, Lego club, crafts, movies, gaming, reading to a dog and more.
49 Spring Street
Auburn, Maine 04210
(207) 333-6640
Suggested ages for visiting: Good for all ages!
Admission: Free!
Children of all abilities are welcome to join our programs to see if they will work for your family. Thursday mornings offer a quiet time to visit, as there are no programs scheduled at that time. There are comfy places to sit and cozy corners for quiet activities. If your child needs a quiet space, there are also quiet rooms available upon request.
Bangor Public Library
The Bangor Public Library strives to inspire, enlighten and enrich its members by connecting them to books, information and ideas needed for work, recreation, education and inspiration by providing excellent service to its members and community.
145 Harlow St.
Bangor, Maine 04401
Suggested ages for visiting: Good for all ages!
Admission: Free!
One Saturday each month, at 1pm, the Library hosts “The Blueberry Gang,” a program designed specifically for young patrons (K- 5th grade) on the Autism Spectrum and their families. Join library staff and other families in the Story Room for a movie, a craft, and Lego mania! Library card not required to attend. Check their website or call for updates on the Blueberry gang before attending.
Lewiston Public Library
Lewiston Public Library’s mission is to ‘Preserving our history, connecting our community & enriching the life of the mind’. Offers three floors of resources to explore, including a dedicated third floor children’s area.
200 Lisbon Street
Lewiston, Maine 04240
Suggested ages for visiting: Good for all ages!
Admission: Free!
Regular weekly and monthly programs include story time, art, cooking & reading to a dog. Check out our website calendar for these and other special events. All children are welcome to join our programs and staff will work together with you to make possible accommodations.
Sensory Alerts: Monday, Thursday and Friday, during the morning & early afternoon provide opportunities for a quieter visit time. Variety of options for quiet areas, including inside the castle and the hobbit hole.
Old Town Public Library
The Old Town Public Library is dedicated to providing resources and programs that enhance and contribute to individual knowledge, enlightenment, and enjoyment in the most efficient manner possible. They serve as a place for children to discover the joy of reading and the value of libraries.
46 Middle St
Old Town, Maine 04468
Suggested ages for visiting: Good for all ages!
Admission: Free!
“Both of my children just love everything about their local library. The children’s librarian works beautifully with kids of all ability levels, and my son has always been included in activities and accepted for who he is. There are after-school programs available almost any school day as well as summer programs. On alternating Tuesdays there is either a Pinterest club (where kids get to do a fun craft), or a Lego free-build club. My oldest, who is on the spectrum, attends any and all programs, schedule permitting. We cannot say how much this library means to us! The entire staff is very welcoming to the patrons and the library has a beautifully decorated children’s room with many comfy chairs and even book-themed stuffed animals for snuggling up with a good book. Both of my son’s leave their programs with big smiles on their faces and usually some original art for us to hang at home.” Check out their Calendar of Children’s programs and events FMI.
Sensory Alerts: Quiet spaces available. “There are two floors available, so there is always somewhere to go if a few minutes are needed to recompose. The seating upstairs is very comfortable and the stuffed animals available to cuddle can be very soothing. Should a more private area be needed, I am sure the staff would be willing to assist.” “The toilets are LOUD when flushing.”