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College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Latest Past Events

Geo Neptune: Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

Little Hall Room 120

Learn about Two-Spirits and the persistent barriers that affect minority gender-nonconformists from educator Passamaquoddy activist, and master basket maker, Geo Neptune. This presentation is free and open to the public on a  first come first serve basis. Registration is not required.

Microaggressions in the Classroom

Fernald Hall

Learn to recognize and respond to subtle actions in the classroom that make students feel marginalized. This event is free and open to the UMaine community; register online at This will take place in Fernald Hall 100.

Inclusive Excellence Tour

Buchanan Alumni House One Alumni Pl, Orono

Join Dr. Damon A. Williams, the Visiting Libra Diversity Professor, in the McIntire Room as he shares equity strategies that have been widely recognized for facilitating achievement of inclusive excellence in academia, government, and in the private sector. This event is free and open to the public.
