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College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Information Literacy and/as Public Communication

Dunn Hall Room 424

Lily Herakova (Lecturer, Department of Communication and Journalism, UMaine) & Jen Bonnet (Research Librarian, Fogler Library, UMaine): “Information Literacy and/as Public Communication” This event is part of the University of Maine Department of Communication and Journalism’s Fall, 2018 Colloquium.

Decolonizing Our Hearts and Minds

Memorial Union

Presented by Sherri Mitchell (Penobscot). Mitchell will speak on issues of indigenous rights, environmental justice, and spiritual change. Monday, Nov. 19 Bangor Room, Memorial Union 1:00 pm

Joan of Arc: Warrior or Saint?

Hill Auditorium

Lecture by Dr. Larissa J. Taylor, Department of History, Colby College, titled “Joan of Arc: Warrior or Saint?” The event is free and open to the public, and sponsored by the History Department, as part of its 2018-19 symposium series. Contact: Dr. Mark McLaughlin, (207) 581-2028,

Jazz Band Concert

Minsky Recital Hall ME

This event is FREE and open to the public.
