Indigenous Languages of Latin America
The speaker will be Américo Mendoza Mori from the University of Pennsylvania. Monday, Nov. 5 Hill Auditorium, Barrows Hall 5:00 pm Email with any questions.
The speaker will be Américo Mendoza Mori from the University of Pennsylvania. Monday, Nov. 5 Hill Auditorium, Barrows Hall 5:00 pm Email with any questions.
UMaine graduate student lightning research talks: Abby Roche (Ph.D. student, CMJ) & Kaylie Reese (MA student, CMJ): “Data Collection While at Play: How Relationships Between Science and Communities in Practice are Being Reframed through Adventure-based Citizen Science Efforts” Tony Sutton (Ph.D. student, EES): “Reassembling Sustenance Activities: Tracing Associations in Fieldwork between Human and Non-human Actors” […]
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