Johnson Lab's Applied Social Science Research
Select Publications
Johnson, T.R., & Veo, J. (2023). Aquaculture in Shared Waters: Lessons for Diverse and Inclusive Workforce Training. Maine Policy Review, 32(2): 165 -169.
Pugh, K., Musavi, M., Johnson, T., Burke, C., Yoeli, E., Currie, E., & Pugh, B. (2023). Neural nets for sustainability conversations: modeling discussion disciplines and their impacts. Neural Computing & Applications 35, 21935–21947 (2023).
Johnson, T.R. & Hanes, S.P. (2022). Conflicts and Communities: Marine Aquaculture and the Blue Economy. In Morrissey. J.E., D, Germond-Duret, and C.P. Heidkamp (eds.), In Blue Economy: People and Regions in Transition. Routledge.
Yan, J., Beard, K., & Johnson, T.R. (2021). A quantitative assessment of spatial patterns of socio-demographic change in Coastal Maine: one process or many? Applied Geography.
Johnson, T.R. (2020). Reflecting on Maine’s Changing Productive Coastal Region. Maine Policy Review, 29(2):91-97.
Mazur, M. D., & Johnson, T. R. (2020). Effects of increases in fishery resource abundance on conservation compliance. Marine policy.
Bricknell, I.R., Birkel, S.D., Brawley, S.H., Van Kirk, T., Hamlin, H., Capistrant-Fossa, K., Huguenard, K., Van Walsum, G., Liu, Z.L., Zhu, L. H., Grebe, G., Taccardi, E., Miller, M., Preziosi, B.M., Duffy, K., Byron, C.J., Quigley, C.T.C., Bowden T.J., Brady, D., Sappati, P.K., Johnson, T.R., Beal, B.F., Moeykens, S. (2020). Resilience of cold water aquaculture: A review of likely scenarios as climate changes in the Gulf of Maine. Reviews in Aquaculture.
Johnson, T.R., Beard, K., Brady, D.C., Byron, C.J., Cleaver, C., Duffy, K., Keeney, N., Kimble, M., Miller, M., Moeykens, S., Teisl, M., van Walsum, G.P., & Yuan, J. (2019). A social-ecological system framework for marine aquaculture research. Sustainability, 11, 2522.
Ovitz, K.L. and Johnson, T.R., 2019. Seeking sustainability: Employing Ostrom’s SESF to explore spatial fit in Maine’s sea urchin fishery. International Journal of the Commons, 13(1), pp.276–302.
Johnson, T.R. & Hanes, S.P. (2019). Considering social carrying capacity in the context of sustainable ecological aquaculture. In J.E. and C.P. Heidkamp (eds.), Towards Coastal Resilience and Sustainability, Routledge.
Johnson, T.R. & Mazur, M. (2018). A mixed method approach to understanding the graying of Maine’s lobster fleet. Bulletin of Marine Science, 94(3):1185-1199.
Cleaver, C., Johnson, T.R., Hanes, S.P., & Pianka, K. (2018). From fishers to farmers: Assessing aquaculture adoption in a training program for commercial fishers. Bulletin of Marine Science, 94(3):1215-1222.
Ebel, S.A., Beitl, C.M., Runnebaum, J., Alden, R., & Johnson, T.R. (2018). The power of participation: Challenges and opportunities for facilitating trust in cooperative fisheries research in the Maine lobster fishery. Marine Policy, 90:47-54
Brewer, J., Springuel, N., Wilson, J., Alden, R., Morse, D., Schmitt, C., Bartlett, C., Johnson, T., Guenther, C., & Brady, D. (2017). Engagement in a public forum: Knowledge, action, and cosmopolitanism. Antipode, 49(2):273-293.
Thompson, C., Johnson, T.R., Hanes, S.P. (2016). Vulnerability of fishing communities undergoing gentrification. Journal of Rural Studies, 45:165-174.
Henry, A.M., & Johnson, T.R. (2015). Understanding social resilience in the Maine lobster industry. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 7(1):33-43.