Current Johnson Lab Members
Amber Schultz
MS Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Research Area: Climate Change and Offshore Wind
Harry Arden
PhD Student, Ecology and Environmental Studies
Research Area: Blue Economy and Offshore Wind
Former Members of the Johnson Lab
Jess Veo
MS Ecology and Environmental Sciences (2024)
Research: Maine Aquaculture Hub
Emily Fitting
MS Marine Policy and Marine Biology (2023)
Research: Maine Lobsters
Kiera Morrill
MS Marine Policy (2022)
Katrina Pugh
Ph.D., Ecology and Environmental Sciences (2022)
Caitlin Cleaver
PhD, Ecology and Environmental Sciences (2022)
Molly Miller
PhD, Ecology and Environmental Sciences (2021)
Mackenzie Mazur
Ph.D., Marine Biology (2020)
Jessica Jansujwicz, Ph.D.
Assistant Director for Research, Maine Sea Grant and Assistant Research Professor, Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology
Kim Ovitz
MS Marine Policy (2017)
Research: Co-management of the Maine Sea Urchin Fishery
Elisabeth Maxwell
MS Marine Policy and Marine Biology (2017)
Research: Assessing Management Structure of the Soft-Shell Clam Fishery
Karen Pianka
MS Marine Policy and Marine Biology (2016)
Research: Aquaculture in Shared Waters
Ziwen Ye
MS Marine Policy and Marine Biology (2016)
Research: Vibrio depuration in oysters
Ruleo Camacho
MS Marine Policy and Marine Biology (2016)
Research: Antigua's demonstration community-based marine reserve
Jeffrey Vieser
MS Marine Policy and Marine Biology (2014)
Research: Engaging fishing communities in tidal power research in Cobscook Bay
Anna Henry
MS Marine Policy and Marine Biology (2013)
Research: Resilience and vulnerability in Maine fishing communities
Christopher Condit
MS Marine Policy 2012
Research: National and international enforcement strategies in the Atlantic bluefin tuna fishery
Cameron Thompson
MS Marine Policy and Marine Biology (2012)
Research: Gentrification and vulnerability of Maine fishing communities
Jennifer McHenry
MS Marine Policy and Marine Biology (2013)
Sara Randall
MS Global Policy 2012
Phoebe Jekielek
MS Marine Policy and Marine Biology (2012)