Notice (2021): The information on this page is no longer being regularly updated and resources listed here may be out of date.

Questions about your business and coronavirus?

Recognizing the uncertainty coronavirus has introduced for our business partners and all Maine businesses, we have begun to compile a list of resources aimed at helping you navigate the current challenges and the path forward. We will continue to update this page as information becomes available.

Business owners, we’re here to help. If you have specific questions or just want to bounce ideas off a member of our staff, please reach out. Our team has extensive experience coaching businesses through transition, and we can offer a fresh perspective as you consider your options. These services are free and available to anyone in the Maine business community.

We don’t have all the answers, but we can connect you with expertise and resources, and assist with topics including:

  • Adapting products or services
  • Finding new sources of demand/revenue
  • Leveraging technology
  • Workforce issues
  • Managing cashflow or funding challenges
  • Navigating uncertainty

Arrange a consultation with Veena Dinesh
Arrange a consultation with Matthew Hodgkin

Our full staff is working remotely and would love to hear from you – email is probably the best way to reach us in the near term. See our staff directory for individual contact information, or email our office.

UMaine’s Fogler Library has put together a research guide on coronavirus and the economy and maintains a business-specific research page.

The most recent UMaine community updates on coronavirus are available here.

Loan programs and applications

Maine DECD has opened a second round of Maine Economic Recovery Grant. Applications are due by Oct. 23, 2020 and more information and eligibility criteria are available on the DECD website.

The Maine DECD has partnered with Maine SBDC on a Micro-Enterprise Business Grant Program for Maine businesses with five or fewer employees that have lost revenue due to COVID-19. Other criteria apply – more information is available through Maine SBDC.

Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) COVID-19 Relief Loan Programs

Maine SBDC is maintaining a thorough list of relief programs for small businesses.

As of June 15, 2020, thanks to new funding appropriations, the U.S. Small Business Administration is accepting new applications for Economic Injury Disaster Loans and Emergency Advances from qualified small businesses and U.S. agricultural businesses.

Applicants who have already submitted their applications will continue to be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. For agricultural businesses that submitted an EIDL application through the streamlined application portal prior to the legislative change, SBA will process these applications without the need for re-applying.

What you need to know about Small Business Administration Disaster Assistance Loans

Maine Small Business Development Center (SBDC) counselors are providing advising to companies applying for SBA Disaster Loans.  Request advising

Applications for the Paycheck Protection Program have closed. Maine SBDC has guidance  on what you need to know about the program, including loan terms and forgiveness.

Resources for Maine businesses

Governor Mills has announced a plan for restarting Maine’s economy in four phases. Read the full plan and review general health and safety guidance for businesses that are reopening and preparing to reopen.

Maine Department of Labor’s Guidance on Coronavirus Response and Updates

The Maine Department of Economic and Community Development is maintaining a resource list for Maine businesses on their homepage.
Maine DECD has created a useful resource sheet for businesses.
You can also email or call Business Answers at the Maine DECD with your coronavirus-related business questions and for information on resources.
Phone lines are open weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. EST.
1-800-872-3838 in Maine
1-800-541-5872 outside of Maine

Startups step up: Maine DECD is activating Maine’s startup and early-stage technology companies in response to the COVID-19 disaster.

Does your startup have a solution that could be adapted to help Mainers or others during the COVID-19 Emergency? Would working directly with the State of Maine help you pay it forward? Would additional investment allow it to be adapted or scaled? Learn more about the COVID-19 Coalition and join the pipeline.

Maine SBDC guidance on mitigating the impact of coronavirus on your business.

For manufacturers, Maine MEP is maintaining a comprehensive resource page.

CEI is maintaining a very thorough resource list with categories including legal guidance, HR, communications, and operations.

For farmers/food producers, UMaine Extension’s Farm Product and Pick-Up Directory aims to increase access to Maine farm products during this time. Add your business to the listing page or connect with a farmer directly.

Latest coronavirus updates from the Office of Governor Janet T. Mills

Maine Helps is an initiative from the Governor’s office that connects those looking to assist with the state’s coronavirus response and recovery efforts.


Federal government resources

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Resources for Businesses and Employers

Small Business Administration’s small business guidance and loan resources

Small business owner’s guide to the CARES Act

U.S. Chamber of Commerce guidance on the potential economic impact of coronavirus