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Immersive Mathematics in Rendered Environments

Latest Past Events

RiSE Teachers in Residence

University of Maine University of Maine, ORONO

Join Justin Dimmel from the University of Maine's Immersive Mathematics in Rendered Environments (IMRE) laboratory for a week of using virtual reality to explore the connections between plane and solid geometry. Attendees will use HandWaver, an immersive gesture-based environment for exploring geometric figures, to investigate topics in geometry. Topics will include classic (compass and straightedge) […]

RiSE Content Immersion

University of Maine University of Maine, ORONO

Join Justin Dimmel from the University of Maine's Immersive Mathematics in Rendered Environments (IMRE) laboratory for a week of using virtual reality to explore the connections between plane and solid geometry. Attendees will use HandWaver, an immersive gesture-based environment for exploring geometric figures, to investigate topics in geometry. Topics will include classic (compass and straightedge) […]

ICTMT 13 Communications

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon Institut Francias de l'Education, LYON

Handwaver: a gesture-based virtual mathematical making environment We report on the design and development of HandWaver, a gesture-based mathematical making environment for use with immersive, room-scale virtual reality. A beta version of HandWaver was developed at the IMRE Lab at the University of Maine and released in the spring of 2017. Our goal in developing […]

RiSE Colliquim

Explorations of volume in a gesture-based virtual mathematics laboratory  Justin Dimmel & Camden Bock, University of Maine 3pm, Monday March 20th Hill Auditorium Abstract: A room-scale virtual-reality environment was used […]
