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Maine Impact Week

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Maine Impact Week

University of Maine Orono

Maine Impact Week showcases how Maine’s research university contributes to the social and economic advancement of Maine and beyond. Visit the Maine Impact Week website for a complete listing of events or to get involved.  The campus-wide effort features events hosted by groups from UMaine’s community, culminating with the UMaine Student Symposium. The Student Symposium […]

College of Education and Human Development Career Fair

Wells Conference Center Orono

The annual UMaine College of Education and Human Development Career Fair gives school officials from across Maine the opportunity to meet future educators from the state’s largest teacher preparation program. Students graduating this spring who will be eligible for Maine teaching certification in elementary education, secondary education, early childhood education, physical education, music education and […]

Tangled up in blue: Understanding carbon movement in trees during water stress with Jess Gersony

Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions 107 Norman Smith Hall, Orono

Abstract Plants take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and convert it into sugars through photosynthesis. Once carbon dioxide is in the form of sugar, it is then transported all throughout the plant through the “sugar highway” known as the phloem to aid in respiration and growth. Let’s take a moment to imagine if this […]
