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Maine Impact Week

Latest Past Events

Big Gig Pitch Competition: Season Finale

Three entrepreneurs will pitch their innovative, early-stage business or business idea to a panel of three judges and the audience in the season finale of the 2020-21 Big Gig series. […]

Research Impact Challenge

Back by popular demand! The Research Impact Challenge is a professional development opportunity to help researchers better understand and manage their online scholarly presence, as well as consider ways to […]

Institute of Medicine Presentation

Register Registration is required. Learn about the UMaine Institute of Medicine The leadership of the Institute of Medicine will present information on their vision, mission, and goals; as well as […]

Faculty Mentor Impact Awards

Virtual Event Online Programming, ME

Sign-up for an Event Reminder     Link to Event Faculty mentors play a critical role in the success of students. Join us to recognize and celebrate the positive impact of our faculty mentors on their students' experience! Earlier this year, we asked students to nominate faculty members who had an important impact on them […]

Research Impact Challenge (all week)

Back by popular demand! The Research Impact Challenge is a professional development opportunity to help researchers better understand and manage their online scholarly presence, as well as consider ways to describe the impact and reach of their work. Each day for five days during Maine IMPACT Week, participants will receive an email with a suggested […]

Hackerspace Open House

Memorial Union Memorial Union, Orono

The Hackerspace provides free access to equipment and technology training to UMaine faculty and students.  We have 3D printing, robotics, and physical computing equipment.  About Hackerspace: The University of Maine envisions the Hackerspace as an environment in which students can access the latest technology in order to explore new ways of thinking. Working alone, in […]

Visiting Ecological Artist Aviva Rahmani

Stewart Hall, Room 104 Steward Hall

The Intermedia Program welcomes ecological artist Aviva Rahmani to UMaine on Tuesday, April 14th at 7:00 pm. Aviva Rahmani began her career as a performance artist, founding and directing the American Ritual Theatre (1968-1971), performing throughout California. She graduated from California Institute of the Arts and received a PhD from Plymouth University, UK, Rahmani has […]

Additive Manufacturing of Metals Presentation

Jenness Hall Jenness Hall, Orono

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a rapidly growing disruptive technology valued at approximately $7.3 billion worldwide and growing at 21% in 2017. To date, AM has affected almost all market sectors, including automotive, aerospace, biomedical, dental, footwear, industrial, and tooling and fixtures. AM's widespread adoption is a consequence of reduced lead times, mass customization, part consolidation, […]

Disability: Beyond Accommodation Presentation

Buchanan Alumni House Buchanan Alumni House, Orono

In the past several decades, guided by accommodation and inclusion frameworks, numerous efforts have been made to improve opportunity and participation for disabled populations. However, implicit in both approaches is the reliance on “integration”, a school of thought in which those already privileged as members of non-disabled groups accommodate outsiders. In this seminar we present […]

Avoiding Gendered Letters of Recommendation Workshop

Estabrooke Hall Estabrooke Hall, Orono

Join us for a workshop that helps mitigate gender bias in writing letters of recommendation. Faculty write and read letters of recommendation for students, colleagues and potential hires. There is a substantial body of literature surrounding unconscious bias in letter writing. This workshop will focus on gender bias and how it presents within letters of […]

Aging Farmers Needs and Ingenuity

Buchanan Alumni House Buchanan Alumni House, Orono

As a state with a large rural geography, farming is critical to Maine’s health, social, economic, and scientific development. Thus, the work of the University of Maine in fostering excellence in land and aqua-based agriculture is ongoing and central to both the land and sea grant missions of our institution. While significant research has been […]

Hackerspace Open House

Memorial Union Memorial Union, Orono

The Hackerspace provides free access to equipment and technology training to UMaine faculty and students.  We have 3D printing, robotics, and physical computing equipment.  About Hackerspace: The University of Maine envisions the Hackerspace as an environment in which students can access the latest technology in order to explore new ways of thinking. Working alone, in […]

Microfabrication Cleanroom Tours

ESRB ESRB, 98 Beddington Rd, Orono

Our Microfabrication Cleanroom is a 3500 ft2 class 1000 cleanroom that maintains dedicated instrumentation for micro- and nano-fabrication of microsensor technologies, and for atomic-scale materials synthesis research.  This is a state-of-the-art nanotechnology facility that is part of the Frontier Institute for Research in Sensor Technologies (FIRST) research center, and is located in the Engineering Science Research […]

Brass & Percussion Ensemble Concert

Minsky Recital Hall 2 Flagstaff Rd, Orono

Brass Ensemble & Percussion Ensemble in Concert Tuesday, April 9 7:30 pm Minsky Recital Hall This event is FREE and open to the public.
