Marine Science Research and Education Open House
April 13, 2019 – The UMaine Marine Science Research and Education Open House invited the community to visit labs and interact with various marine science experts on campus.
Attendees could experience touching live sea creatures in the Aquaculture Research Center’s touch tank and view a variety of fish, crustaceans and plants.
UMaine Sea Grant and the School of Marine Sciences allowed visitors into the lab to see a lobster’s heartbeat and hear about research and outreach of marine science for the state of Maine.
Over at the Ocean Operations Building, the UMaine Physical Oceanography group led tours through the facilities housing large observation buoys and ocean sea-floor gliders to learn what data they collect and how researchers use this information to find solutions to oceanic issues.
Visitors to the UMaine Marine Mammal Research Lab learned about DNA collection and processing, listened to the songs of whales and learned how to identify whales and dolphins by their unique markings.
- Aquaculture Research Center: Touch tank
- Umaine Marine Mammal Research Lab: DNA
- Ocean Operations: Buoys and Gliders
- UMaine Marine Mammal Research: Photographic research
- Maine Sea Grant: Water sampling
- UMaine Marine Mammal Research Lab: Whale songs
- UMaine Marine Mammal Research Lab: Hands-on activities
- School of Marine Sciences: Lobster heartrate
This event was one of many ways for the community to discover UMaine research and creative activity during Maine Impact Week 2019.