About The University of Maine’s Student Branch

What is the University of Maine’s Student Branch of IEEE?

The University of Maine’s Student Branch of the IEEE is a student run organization dedicated to serving the electrical and electronics engineering community at the University of Maine. The student branch currently consists of undergraduate and graduate students studying Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering Technology, and Bio-Engineering, and has over 90 members.

The IEEE Student Branch strives to:

  1. Foster Innovation
  2. Promote the UMaine Engineering Spirit
  3. Motivate Future Engineers and Technologists
  4. Provide a link to the Worldwide IEEE Community
  5. Enhance and Develop Members’ Careers

How Do I Join IEEE?

You can become a student member of the IEEE by visiting the online application form here. To connect with the branch email ieee@maine.edu

How Can I Volunteer?

All student members are encouraged to help with IEEE activities. Students volunteers are needed to help organize meetings and events, run the IEEE coffee shop, and help their fellow members to succeed academically and professionaly. If you are interested in helping out, please contact one of our officers listed in the link, or email us at ieee@maine.edu.