Manager and HR Liaison Resources

The Office of Human Resources guides and supports the professional success of supervisors and managers. This site provides you with information from several functional areas including compensation, employment and performance management. This information, along with the guidance from your department’s HRP, will assist you in meeting your responsibilities when recruiting, hiring, and supervising  employees at UMaine.

Temporary and Person of Interest (POI) Parking Permit Update:

As of December 2023, the University of Maine Parking and Transportation Services is now assigning and managing parking passes for all temporary employees and Persons of Interest (POI). Supervisors and managers, please refer all temporary employees and POIs to the UMaine Parking and Transportation Services located at 5702 DTAV Community Building or

For more information, please visit their website at

Person of Interest

A Person of Interest is a term used to describe a person affiliated with the University who is not a student or an employee who needs access to UMS systems.  A POI record in the HR database is required to initiate the creation of an account.

Request a Person of Interest Record by completing and submitting a form* for persons who require access to UMS applications prior to the start of employment and/or will not be a UMS employee.  Creating a POI record allows the email account to be activated prior to hire and also allows email accounts to be created for non-employees.  POI records with email accounts can use their username and password to access applications such as BlackBoard.  POI records can also be requested to provide access to

All POI types receive a Google Apps account; Blackboard access authorization; (aka campus employee portal). By default, employees will have access to the campus portal where they work, however, some employees may need access to another campus’ portal and/or added to another campus’ email or mailing list.  In these instances, employees may submit a POI request as a cross-campus affiliate.

Please note that MaineStreet HR access must be requested separately via Security Authorization Request.

Library Access 

There is a separate process in HR that library staff run to pull a list of all active employees and import the data into the library system. That file feed does not include POI’s. Generally, someone contacts the library requesting access to the databases; Library staff will check against the HR database and create a library record if someone is a POI with one of the statuses:

  • Non-Salaried Faculty
  • Pre-Hire Faculty
  • Graduate Advisors
  • Military (ROTC faculty)

* When submitting a  POI for a non-salary faculty position please make sure to include a letter of support from the department and an updated CV.