Publications & Presentations

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University of Maine Spring Symposium 2021

Our graduate students (Taylor McMillan, Lindsey Lagerstrom, and Jennifer Thompson) presented an abstract at the University of Maine’s Spring Symposium 2021, titled “Cardiovascular Effects on Cognition in Young Adults: The Relationship Between Exercise, Physical Activity, and Processing Speed”. Check out the recording here.

Selected Publications

Ahmed, F.S., Guenther, B.A., Thompson, J.L., Lagerstrom, L., & Robbins, M.A. (2023). Role of light walking pace on cognitive function: Findings from the Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult DOI: 10.1080/23279095.2023.2228952

Ahmed, F.S., McMillan, T.M., Guenther, B.A., & Dearborn, P. (2022). Cognitive performance following single- or multi-session exercise intervention in middle age: A systematic review. Experimental Aging Research. DOI: 10.1080/0361073X.2022.2137360

Wade, A.T., Guenther, B.A., Ahmed, F.S., & Elias, M.F. (2021). Higher yogurt intake is associated with lower blood pressure in hypertensive individuals: Cross-sectional findings from the Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal study. International Dairy Journal. DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2021.105159

Ahmed, F.S., Wade, A.T., Guenther, B.A., Murphy, K.J., & Elias, M.F. (2020). Higher adherence to a Mediterranean diet is associated with lower blood pressure in a US population: Findings from the Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study. Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 22, 2276-2284.

Ahmed, F.S., Bogucki, O., Dearborn, P., & Elias, M.F. (2019). Obesity, cognitive functioning and dementia: A life-span prospective. In  R.R. Watson & V. Preedy (Eds.). Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Brain and Neurological Health (2nd edition). Elsevier.

Strout, K., Ahmed, F., Sporer, K., Howard, E. P., Sassatelli, E., & Mcfadden, K. (2018). What are older adults wellness priorities? A qualitative analysis of priorities within multiple domains of wellness. Healthy Aging Research7(2), e21.

Ahmed, F.S., & Miller, L.S. (2014). Adequate proverb interpretation is associated with performance on the Independent Living Scales. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 22(3), 376-387.

Selected Presentations

Lindsey Lagerstrom presenting at UMSS
Lindsey Lagerstrom presenting at the UMaine Spring Symposium 2019
Taylor Williams presenting at UMSS
Taylor Williams presenting at the UMaine Spring Symposium 2019
Taylor McMillan presenting at INS
Taylor McMillan presenting at the International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting 2020
Lindsey Lagerstrom presenting at INS
Lindsey Lagerstrom presenting at the International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting 2020