Patricia Goodhines, PhD

I joined the Clinical Psychology faculty at University of Maine Orono in Fall of 2022. I aim to foster a lab culture of collaboration, community, and excitement for psychology research to support health equity. Outside of work I enjoy hiking, live music, and community volunteering. I am on the Board of Directors at Mabel Wadsworth Clinic and Affirming Behavioral Health (MTN).
Research Interests
My health psychology research program focuses on the dynamic interplay of substance use and sleep across adolescent and young adult development. Primary interest areas include (1) youth risk mechanisms and (2) sociodemographic disparities (e.g., socioeconomic, LGBTQ+, race/ethnicity). My lab utilizes intensive longitudinal designs, advanced statistical techniques, and ambulatory technology for measurement and modelling of health risk behaviors. Ultimately, these findings may inform targeted prevention/intervention efforts to curtail inequity and reduce public health burden resulting from sleep problems, substance use, and associated harms.
Doctoral Mentees
- Krutika Rathod, 2022-present
- Leah Cingranelli, 2023-present
- Sabrina Muzac, 2024-present
- Luis Solorio, 2024-present
Clinical Interests
As a health psychologist I am committed to evidence-based and measurement-informed practice. I have extensive experience working in integrated and multidisciplinary healthcare settings, including specialty and consultation models. Specific areas of interest include emerging adulthood, substance use disorder and sleep intervention, sexual health promotion, and LGBTQ-affirming care. I strive to center cultural humility across my clinical and broader professional roles.
Teaching Interests
I am committed to inclusive, accessible, and de-colonial teaching practices. Social justice and sociodemographic equity are actively integrated into all of my coursework. Specialty areas include clinical psychology, health psychology, substance use disorders, and statistics.
Courses Developed and Taught
- PSY 212 Abnormal Psychology (Sp24)
- PSY 412 Foundations of Clinical Psychology (Fa22)
- PSY 494 Senior Research Project | “Alcohol Use Disorder Etiology and Disparities” (Sp23)
- PSY 634 Advanced Psychopathology (Fa22, Fa23)
- PSY 592 Directed Readings | “Cannabis Theory, Mechanisms, & Research” (Sp23)
- PSY 677 Substance Use Treatment (Fa23; Funded by RIBHC-SU HRSA)
Professional Service & Roles
- Faculty Chair | UMaine Graduate Student Diversity Committee
- Faculty Representative | BRIDGE Network
- Pre-Health Mentor | Project SHORT
- Curriculum Coordinator | Rural Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care: Substance Use (HRSA D40HP45687)
- 2023 Fellow | NIDA Diversity Scholars Network
- 2022 Policy Fellow | Maine Scholars Strategy Network
Selected Publications (Google Scholar)
- Goodhines, P. A., Rathod, K., Schwarz, A. A., LaRowe, L. R., & Wedel, A. V. (2024). Sleep-Related Cannabis Expectancy Questionnaire (SR-CEQ): Factor Analysis Replication, Reliability, and Validity. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Advance online. PMID: 38288965
- Zhao, J., Goodhines, P. A., & Park, A. (2022). The Intersection of Neighborhood and Race in Urban Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors. Journal of Community Psychology. Advance online. PMID: 36434809
- Goodhines, P. A., Wedel, A., Dobani, F., Zaso, M. J., Gellis, L. A., & Park, A. (2022). Cannabis use for sleep aid among high school students: Concurrent and prospective associations with substance use and sleep problems. Addictive Behaviors. Advance online. PMID: 35872526
- Desalu, J. M., Goodhines, P. A., & Park, A. (2021). Vicarious racial discrimination, racial identity, and alcohol-related outcomes among Black young adults: An experimental approach. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. Advance online publication. PMID: 33705156
- Wedel, A. V., Goodhines, P. A., Zaso, M. J., & Park, A. (2021). Prospective Associations of Discrimination, Race, and Sexual Orientation with Substance Use in Adolescents. Substance Use & Misuse. PMID: 34809528
- Goodhines, P. A., Desalu, J. M., Zaso, M. J., Gellis, L. A., & Park, A. (2020). Sleep problems and drinking frequency among urban multiracial and monoracial adolescents: Role of discrimination experiences and negative mood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 2109–2123. PMID: 32860577
- Goodhines, P. , Gellis, L. A., Ansell, E. B., & Park, A. (2019). Cannabis and alcohol use for sleep aid: A daily diary investigation. Health Psychology, 38(11), 1036-1047. PMID: 31169378
- Desalu, J. M., Goodhines, P. A., & Park, A. (2019). Racial discrimination and alcohol use and negative drinking consequences among Black Americans: a meta-analytical review. Addiction, 114(6), 957-967. PMID: 30714661
- Goodhines, P. A., Gellis, L. A., Kim, J., Fucito, L. M., & Park, A. (2019). Self-medication for sleep in college students: Concurrent and prospective associations with sleep and alcohol behavior. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 17(3), 327-341. PMID: 28749704
Education & Training
- PhD: Clinical Psychology, Syracuse University
- Pre-doctoral Internship: Health Psychology & Behavioral Medicine Track, Brown Medical School
- BS: Psychology & Music, St. Lawrence University