Of Pools and People (NSF CNH)

A frog and two salamanders from a vernal pool in Maine

Zach and Jared Write Bangor Daily News Article on Vernal Pools

Zach and Jared teamed up to write a local newspaper article discussing the vibrant life found in vernal pools across Maine and how the unique nature of these pools can nurture healthier forests and waterways.  Also check out the really nice amphibian pictures by Kristine Hoffman (including the photo featured here).  Jared is conducting major […]

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Jared Homola Awarded Waldron Fellowship

Congratulations to Jared Homola for being awarded one of only two Janet Waldron Doctoral Research Fellowships available in this year’s campus-wide competition.  This is one of, if not the, most competitive fellowships offered by the University of Maine and is awarded in large part based on a graduate student’s past and anticipated scholarship.  Jared’s many publications, presentations […]

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