UMaine Accommodation Contact

Please contact the office listed below if you receive a request to accommodate an individual with a disability and/or if:

  • You have questions or concerns about services for a person with a disability, means of accommodating someone with a disability, verification of a disability, or your responsibility for responding to the needs of individuals with disabilities; and/or
  • You believe that accommodation would or might alter the essential functions of a job or the essential requirements of an academic course or program; and/or
  • Funding outside the departmental budget would be needed to pay for an accommodation; and/or
  • You believe the request should be denied

Employee/Job Applicant Needs
(other than physical facility modifications)

Amanda Paradis, ADA Coordinator / 207-581-1227

Student/Applicant Needs
(other than physical facility modifications)

Director of Student Accessibility Services /  207-581-2319

Physical Facility Modifications

Geremy Chubbuck, Associate Director of Facilities Mgmt / 207-356-1534