Prospective Students

Life After Graduation

Graduates of the EET program fill a wide variety of professional technical positions in industry. Typically, they take jobs that involve designing and manufacturing a product or operating a plant. EET graduates are the electrical back-bone of the manufacturing community and often manage project and maintenance teams of electricians and engineers. Their responsibilities lean toward design and production rather than research.

There are numerous jobs in the manufacturing sector with equipment manufacturers, semiconductors, electronics, paper, power delivery and consulting firms servicing those industries. The most common jobs are project engineer, electrical and instrumentation engineer, equipment engineer, field engineer and applications engineer.

Just about anywhere a graduate wants to live. Logically, there will be more opportunity in Portland than Fort Kent. Graduates have gotten jobs all over the United States from Hawaii to Florida, Maine to California.

The EET faculty have built a strong network of contacts consisting of firms that typically hire our students. We work with students personally to help place them in positions that fit their interests. Over the last several years, we have had an almost 100% placement rate within three months of graduation.

Salaries depend on the location of the employer. The Boston area pays more than Fort Kent. Starting salaries last year ranged from $75,000 to $90,000.

Yes. We actually have a built-in class to prepare students and require students to take (not pass) the FE exam to meet graduation requirements. Many electrical engineering positions do not require a professional engineering license, but most graduates pursue licensing to enhance their career opportunities. Maine makes no distinction between a regular engineering graduate and a technology graduate in pursuing an engineering license.

Yes. While most graduates grab the many of the lucrative offers made to them at graduation, a few have gone on to earn a graduate degree. Most of the graduates that have gone on to graduate school have pursued a Master of Business Administration (MBA), there is also a Master of Electrical Engineering Technology or a Grad Certificate in Electrical Engineering Technology.

Life As An EET Student

The University of Maine has almost 12,000 students. As a result, the University of Maine has a well-staffed medical facility, comfortable dorms, large library, spacious concert center, numerous recreation opportunities and clubs, nationally recognized sports teams (e.g., ice hockey), free tutoring, and a friendly atmosphere. Situated within the University of Maine is a small, close-knit family of students that comprise Electrical Engineering Technology. The Electrical Engineering Technology program has approximately 80 students total. That is less than most high school classes that students come from. The average class size in an Electrical Engineering Technology class is about 19 students. The program is more like a one-room school house. With a cadre of four full-time faculty, the faculty are able to work closely with the students throughout the four-year program.

With a little effort, students can obtain summer positions with prospective employers the summer after their second or third year in firms near their home. A typical student will work as an electronics technician or update electrical drawings during their first year. The summer after their third year they are assigned regular engineering duties so they can get a feel for engineering careers with that firm. A very high percentage of student internships lead to full time jobs after graduation.

All engineering courses are difficult. Electrical Engineering Technology courses are no exception. The difference with our program is the exceptional access that students have to our faculty. While some institutions may only have 1-2 hours available for students to see faculty, we average 10-15 hours weekly. Students who put sufficient effort into their studies generally perform well. There are tutoring services available. Students with learning disabilities are provided with help and faculty provided with instructions on how to help the student learn.

Electrical Engineering Technology requires less in-depth math than some other engineering programs…this is guided by our Industrial Advisory Council, respected people working in the field.

  • English (4 units)
  • Algebra 1 & 2
  • Geometry
  • History (2 units)
  • one senior level math (select from trigonometry, pre-calculus, or calculus)
  • one additional science
  • Physics

There are many avenues into the program if one of the above are missing…please contact or 207-581-2340 with any questions.

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