Lovely Libraries: A Place for Literacy, a Place for STEM!
Presenter Biography
Dr. Klein holds a joint appointment as a STEM Specialist in the Cooperative Extension and teacher educator in the College of Education and Human Development. She works with the Maine 4-H organization, informal educators, and formal educators to improve STEM learning opportunities for Maine youth. She has taught undergraduate teacher education courses and graduate research methods courses. Her research and teaching areas include informal STEM learning environments, STEM educator preparation and support, and bringing intercultural competency and positive youth development practices into STEM education. Dr. Klein lives off the grid with her spouse, three dogs, and three cats. She loves being outdoors, knitting, singing, and veggie gardening.

Vanessa Klein
4-H STEM Specialist, Associate Extension Professor, & Associate Professor of Education
University of Maine, Orono, ME
Workshop Description
This workshop will present a curriculum in progress centered on joining literacy and STEM through informal education at public and school libraries. Best practices in informal STEM education and literacy for young learners will be discussed. The design process for the program and sample activities will be shared. Participants will be able to share their own thoughts and ideas during a short brainstorming session.