Exploring Justice and Equity Through Culturally Sustaining Practices
Strand Leaders

Rebecca Buchanan
Associate Professor, Curriculum Assessment and Instruction
University of Maine, Orono, ME

Sarah Norsworthy
Independent Scholar, Consultant & Collaborator
Strand Description
This strand is focused on merging work around equity and justice with digital technologies in order to support educators to create meaningful change in their schools and communities. As part of the strand time will examine the key aspects of culturally sustaining pedagogies including: developing a sociocultural consciousness, asset-based thinking, tapping into students’ funds of knowledge, and advocating for change in schools and beyond. We will also explore how best to use emergent digital technologies to create more inclusive and welcoming spaces. For example, how can generative AI be used as a tool for developing culturally sustaining materials for our classrooms and schools. Finally we will analyze frameworks for considering how power operates in organizations, curricular programs, and new initiatives. These frameworks will offer new ways of thinking about our practice and the world around us.