Photo captures image of all 82 species found during pilot program
Species detected in participants’ water samples (animals not to scale).

Pilot Program Results

10 schools across the state, as seen on the map below, took water samples from their local waters. Some helped filter the samples. These samples were then processed at the University of Maine’s eDNA CORE Lab in Orono and analyzed by University of Maine bioinformatician Dr. Laura Jackson. The results can be seen in the figure below. Detailed genetic data from the results were also provided to the participating teachers and students.

Sampling Locations

Spring 2023 Metabarcoding Results: Summary Bar Chart Figure

Figure courtesy of Dr. Laura Jackson

1 – Van Buren School District
St John River 1, VBDS
Location: St. John River, Van Buren, 47.1592°, -67.9309°
Sampling Date: March 31, 2023
St John River 2, VBDS
Location: St. John River, Van Buren, 47.1592°, -67.9309°
Sampling Date: March 31, 2023

Species Found
– American Eel
– Atlantic Menhaden

2 – Ashland District School
Portage Lake, ADS
Location: Portage Lake, Portage Lake, 46.7857°, -68.5345°
Sampling Date: March 16, 2023

Species Found
– Burbot
– Redbreast Sunfish
– Creek Chub
– Common Shiner
– White Sucker
– Brook Trout
– Golden Shiner
– Brown Bullhead
– Fallfish
– Rainbow Smelt
– White Sucker
– Blacknose Dace
– Blacknose Shiner
– Brook Stickleback
– Common Shiner
– Fathead Minnow
– Finescale Dace
– Pearl Dace
– Rainbow Smelt
– Two-lined Salamander
– American Beaver

3 – Old Town High School
Penobscot River 1, OTHS
Location: Penobscot River (above dam), Old Town, 44.9440°, -68.6571°
Sampling Date: April 3, 2023
Penobscot River 2, OTHS
Location: Penobscot River (above dam), Old Town, 44.9440°, -68.6571°
Sampling Date: April 3, 2023

Species Found
– American Shad
– Blueback Shad
– Striped Sea-bass
– Winter Flounder

4 – Indian Island School
Penobscot River, IIS
Location: Penobscot River (below dam), 44.9440°, -68.6571°
Sampling Date: March 15, 2023

Species Found
– These species are being kept private

5 – Dirigo High School
Webb River 1, DHS
Location: Webb River, Dixfield, 44.5433°, -70.4598°
Sampling Date: April 5, 2023
Webb River 2, DHS
Location: Webb River, Dixfield, 44.5433°, -70.4598°
Sampling Date: April 5, 2023

Species Found
– Redbreast Sunfish
– Smallmouth Bass
– Creek Chub
– White Sucker
– Brook Trout
– Golden Shiner
– Yellow Perch
– Pumpkinseed Sunfish
– Brown Bullhead
– Fallfish
– White Sucker
– Blacknose Dace
– Longnose Dace
– Mudpuppy
– Ninespine Stickleback
– Slimy Sculpin

6 – Lamoine Consolidated School
Lamoine Beach, LCS
Location: Lamoine Beach, Mt. Desert Narrows, Lamoine, 44.4509°, -68.2996°
Sampling Date: March 27, 2023
Marlboro Beach, LCS
Location: Marlboro Beach, Mt. Desert Narrows, Lamoine, 44.4721°, -68.2829°
Sampling Date: March 27, 2023
Hadley Point Beach, LCS
Location: Hadley Point Beach, Mt. Desert Narrows, Bar Harbor, 44.4446°, -68.3187°
Sampling Date: March 27, 2023

Species Found
– Cunner
– Alewife
– Mummichog
– Rock Gunnel
– Acadian Redfish
– American Sand Lance
– Bay Anchovy
– Grubby Sculpin
– Rock Gunnel

7 – Oceanside Middle School
St George River, OMS
Location: Public boat launch, St. George River, Thomaston, 44.0717°, -69.1824°
Sampling Date: April 4, 2023

Species Found

8 – Wiscasset Middle High School
Sheepscot River 1, WMHS
Location: Sheepscot River, Wiscasset waterfront dock, Wiscasset, 43.99898°, -69.6658°
Sampling Date: March 28, 2023
Sheepscot River 2, WMHS
Location: Sheepscot River, Wiscasset waterfront dock, Wiscasset, 43.9994°, -69.6644°
Sampling Date: March 28, 2023
Sheepscot River 3, WMHS
Location: Sheepscot River, Wiscasset waterfront dock (3), Wiscasset, 43.9992°, -69.6650°
Sampling Date: March 28, 2023

Species Found
– Redbreast Sunfish
– Creek Chub
– Common Shiner
– White Sucker
– Banded Killifish
– Golden Shiner
– Pumpkinseed Sunfish
– Brown Bullhead
– Rainbow Smelt
– White Sucker
– Atlantic Silverside
– American Eel
– Atlantic Herring
– Atlantic Sturgeon
– Atlantic Tomcod
– Blacknose Dace
– Bluegill
– Chain Pickerel
– Common Carp
– Fourspine Stickleback
– Grubby Sculpin
– Mummichog
– Ninespine Stickleback
– Northern Redbelly Dace
– Rock Gunnel
– Shorthorn Sculpin
– Shortnose Sturgeon
– Spottail Shiner
– Winter Flounder
– Wrymouth
– Mallard
– Eastern Newt

9 – St. George School
Tenants Harbor Landing, SGS
Location: Tenants Harbor Public Landing, West Penobscot Bay, St George, 43.9652°, -69.2088°
Sampling Date: April 4, 2023
Tenants Harbor Marsh, SGS
Location: Tenants Harbor Marsh, St George, 43.9669°, -69.2149°
Sampling Date: April 4, 2023

Species Found
– American Eel
– Blueback Shad
– Mummichog
– Rock Gunnel
– Shorthorn Sculpin
– Winter Flounder
– Wrymouth
– Golden Shiner
– Brown Bullhead
– Atlantic Salmon
– Atlantic tomcod
– Chain Pickerel
– Grubby Sculpin
– Ninespine stickleback
– Three-spined Stickleback
– Redbreast Sunfish

10 – Portland High School
Casco Bay 1, PHS
Location: East End Beach, Casco Bay, Portland,
Sampling Date: March 21, 2023
Casco Bay 2, PHS
Location: Fish market dock, Casco Bay, Portland,
Sampling Date: March 21, 2023
Casco Bay 3, PHS
Location: Widgery Wharf, Casco Bay, Portland,
Sampling Date: March 20, 2023
Casco Bay 4(1), PHS
Location: Fireboat wharf near shoreline, Casco Bay, Portland,
Sampling Date: March 20, 2023
Casco Bay 4(2), PHS
Location: Fireboat wharf near shoreline, Casco Bay, Portland,
Sampling Date: March 21, 2023
Casco Bay 5, PHS
Location: Fireboat Wharf past ferry terminal, Casco Bay, Portland,
Sampling Date: March 21, 2023

Species Found
– Acadian Redfish
– Alewife
– American Butterfish
– American Eel
– American Shad
– American Sole
– Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
– Atlantic Cod
– Atlantic Halibut
– Atlantic Herring
– Atlantic Mackerel
– Atlantic Salmon
– Atlantic Silverside
– Atlantic Tomcod
– Bigeye Tuna
– Black Crappie
– Black Seabass
– Blueback Shad
– Bluegill
– Cattle
– Channel Catfish
– Common Sole
– Golden Shiner
– Goosefish
– Great Northern Loon
– Haddock
– Human
– Lookdown
– Mallard
– Pollock
– Pumpkinseed Sunfish
– Rainbow Smelt
– Rainbow Trout
– Righteye Flounder
– Rock Gunnel
– Scup
– Shorthorn Sculpin
– Striped Sea-bass
– Swordfish
– Three-spined Stickleback
– White Bass
– White Hake
– White Perch
– White Sucker
– Wrymouth
– Yellow Perch