Sarah McCullough
Concentration: Earth and Climate Sciences
Why did you choose UMaine and the EES program:
UMaine is a research-oriented campus, and I wanted to do hands-on research in my field during the school year. I got to work in the ice core lab, and was exposed to many job opportunities through the program.
Best hands-on experience and why:
Over the summer, I got to do an internship for the Maine Geospatial Institute under the Maine Rockweed Coalition. Not only were the benefits great, but I got to spend most of my day hiking and looking at the ocean (and got to do some mapmaking on rainy days).
Favorite class at UMaine and why:
My favorite class has to be ERS 301 – Earth Science and Geomatics. It was tough, but the skills I gained from it opened up a lot of opportunities for me. My job primarily uses skills I learned from this class, and I have a research project in the works using data collected through the software taught.
Wisdom for incoming students:
Go to class! Every day! Even if you’re tired, you can learn a lot more by sitting in class than staying home and never looking over the powerpoints from the day you missed.