Megan Leach

What year and semester did you begin EES graduate studies?
Summer 2014

What degree are you pursuing?

Who is your academic advisor?
Dr. Frank Drummond.

What prior degrees do you have?
B.S. in Botany from Millersville University.

Why did you choose to attend grad school at UMaine? Why did you choose EES?
I have been spending summers in Maine my whole life and I really love the state.  I chose EES because of the programs interdisciplinary approach, which I hope to tie into my work after graduate school.

Briefly describe the research project you are working on.
I am working with many other students, faculty and outside partners on a project looking to increase native pollinators in Maine.

What have been your favorite classes at UMaine so far? If you are new to UMaine, what classes are you most looking forward to taking?
I am looking forward to taking more entomology classes and expanding my background in that area as well as ecology.

What has been your most rewarding research experience and why? If you are new to UMaine, what classes are you most looking forward to?
I am excited to get more experience with field work.  I have mainly lab experience from my undergrad so I am ready to get in the field.  So far I have loved working with honey bees, it’s something I never thought I would do.

What advice do you have for prospective graduate students?
Make sure you are really interested in the project you will be working on.  If you really love what you are doing and believe in it you will have a much better experience.  Also, be ready to try anything.

Are you interested in mentoring undergraduates?