Angie Casella, 2023

We recently connected with Class of 2023 EES alumna Angie Casella. Here’s what she’s been up to recently!

What did you study while at UMaine?

“I graduated May of 2023 with a concentration of soil and water.

What has your career path looked like after graduation?

“I work for the Alleghany National Forest through a partnership organization called MobilizeGreen. This opportunity not only offers direct hiring authority once my term is complete, but it has given me a foot in the door to all of the jobs that the Forest Service has to offer. I work in timber sales as a civil engineer, where my responsibilities include collecting data and designing roads that are involved in timber sale haul. I have also been able to participate in chainsaw training and wildfire training since my employment in the ANF.”

What impact did your time at UMaine have on your current career?

“While attending UMaine, I worked with the Watershed Process and Estuary Sustainability Research Group. My participation in the project gave me the education, experience, and confidence I needed to secure my dream job with the Forest Service.”

What is the most beneficial thing taken from your time at UMaine?

“When I think of how UMaine benefited my career, I think of the relationships I made with my mentors. Dr. Sean Smith and Dr. Ivan Fernandez supported me through my time at UMaine, while also guiding me to choose the right career for myself. I can not thank these two individuals enough for their generosity and mentorship they provided me during my time at UMaine.”

What advice do you have for current EES students eager to get into the field?

“My advice to future graduates at UMaine is to be open minded with the career you choose. Be open minded with the location and type of research. I have found so much adventure in moving to a new state, starting a new job, and breaking into an unfamiliar type of field work.”