Anthony Drouin, B.S. 2007

Anthony Drouin is the Supervisor of the Residuals Management Section (RMS) for the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.  As Supervisor of RMS, Anthony’s section has regulation oversight of the sludge and septage management in NH.  This includes the beneficial use of residuals to land application like biosolids, the hauling of sludge and septage to its permitted disposal location, and the further management of sludge or septage at facilities beyond a wastewater treatment facility like a sludge composting facility or septage lagoons.  Anthony is also highly involved in the  per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) investigation and regulation setting for soils and residuals in New Hampshire.

As an EES student, Anthony became involved in the Plant, Soil and Environmental Sciences Department once deciding his concentration of soil and water sciences.  He also coupled this major with a minor in Political Sciences. Anthony worked as a student research assistant for his advisor, Dr. Ivan J Fernandez.  His experiences working under his advisor sent him all over New England sampling and testing soils for various PSE projects.  This work also persuaded him to write his senior capstone on biosolids land application, which is exactly the field he works in today as a State Regulator.  Also as a member of the UMaine Soil Judging Team, Anthony was not only able to improve his understanding for the formation of the soils of Maine but also build relationships that will last a lifetime.

Anthony’s advice to aspiring EES graduates is to get involved as much as you can.  Become a member of groups like the soil judging team and spend a summer working in your degree program. These experiences go a very long way when applying for that first job in your career.  Anthony’s career would not be what it is today if he had not become involved with EES programs beyond the classroom.