Summer Research Roundup

From Colorado to Connecticut, EES undergraduates participated in engaging, relevant jobs and internships summer 2017. Here is a snapshot of what some of our students dug into this summer.
Jamie Behan interned with the Waldo County Soil and Water Conservation District in Maine and worked on several projects including identifying and mapping invasive plants and species.
Cassie Carroll worked as an undergraduate research assistant on the Fragmented Ecological Networks (FEN) project at the University of Connecticut.
Aly East worked with a team of EES faculty and undergraduates to research the impact of Acadia National Park’s new Schoodic Woods campground on ecosystem services provided by the peninsula.
Tristan Hernandez worked as an interpretive ranger for the National Parks Service at Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico.
Shae Horrigan interned with Innovate for Maine and worked with an aquaculture startup and a business development company.

Julia Kaplan interned with the Customer Maintenance team at Clean Harbors’ Corporate Headquarters in Norwell, MA. Clean Harbors is North America’s leading provider of environmental, energy and industrial services.
Trevor Lessard worked for the Maine Department of Transportation. As a Highway and Operations Intern, he worked on a variety of projects including roadside vegetation management.
Val Watson received an REU from the National Science Foundation to conduct independent research on bumblebees at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Gothic, CO.
Mike Tarquinio spent his summer interning with New York State Central Pine Barrens Joint Planning and Policy Commission.
To read more EES student profiles, be sure to check out our “Dispatches from the Field” feature on Facebook .
Are you an EES student who gained hands-on experience this summer? We’d love to hear about it! Let us know what you’ve been up to here, or feel free to drop by our office in Nutting Hall.