
Dietetic Internship – Curriculum (for master’s thesis or non-thesis option)

FSN courses can be selected based on student interest and course availability.  Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for course descriptions.

Students may start their graduate program during the summer preceding the fall semester. This schedule may be desirable for students doing thesis research projects because the summer is a good time to start work on research. Students who begin graduate school in the summer prior to the start of the Internship Program could complete their program a semester earlier than shown. Students wishing to consider this possibility should contact their advisor as soon as they receive notification of acceptance to graduate school. Criteria, policies and procedures used to evaluate and award credit for prior coursework are indicated on the Graduate School website (

Fall Semester ICredits
FSN 650 Dietetic Internship Orientation and Applications I2
FSN 571 Technical Presentations1
EHD 573/FSN 524/equivalent (statistics)3
FSN 540 Advanced Clinical Topics3
Spring Semester I 
FSN 651 Dietetic Internship Orientation and Applications II2
FSN 671 Advanced Graduate Seminar1
FSN 500-600 level course (for Non-Thesis) OR
FSN 699 Graduate Thesis* (for Thesis)
FSN 506 Nutritional Assessment3
Summer (May – August) 
FSN 681 Supervised Practice**1
Fall Semester II 
FSN 681 Supervised Practice5
FSN 652 Dietetic Internship Evaluation1
Spring Semester II 
FSN 500-600 level (for Non-Thesis) OR
FSN 699 Graduate Thesis (for Thesis)
FSN 500-600 level3
FSN 500-600 level (Non-thesis can opt for independent study or course outside major)3
Total number of credits34
**Total required FSN 681 Supervised Practice credits=6
Fall Semester ICredits
FSN 650 Internship Orientation and Applications I2
FSN 571 Technical Presentations1
EHD 573/FSN 524/equivalent (statistics)3
FSN 540 Advanced Clinical Topics3
Spring Semester I
FSN 651 Internship Orientation and Applications II2
FSN 671 Advanced Graduate Seminar1
FSN 500-600 level course (for Non-Thesis) OR
FSN 699 Graduate Thesis* (for Thesis)
FSN 506 Nutritional Assessment3
Summer (May – August)
FSN 699 Graduate Thesis (may work on thesis if chose this option)
or Coursework
or Work
Fall Semester II
FSN 500-600 Level3
FSN 500-600 Level3
Elective or FSN 699 Graduate Thesis2-3
Spring Semester II
FSN 681 Supervised Practice**5
FSN 652 Dietetic Internship Evaluation1
Summer Semester II
FSN 681 Supervised Practice1
Total number of credits34

*Total required for FSN 699 graduate thesis credits in program=6 or 5 credits + INT 601 Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) (FSN 524 also approved to meet RCR requirement)
**Total required FSN 681 Supervised Practice credits=6