Trainee Resources

Program Guidelines and Trainee Resources Document

Responsibility Forms and Governance Document

The Trainee Responsibility Document and Faculty Mentor Agreement outline the personal and professional expectations for trainees and faculty mentors, respectively.

The Governance Document identifies the shared principles used to guide the work and relationships of faculty, staff, and trainees participating in the NRT: Enhancing Conservation Science program. It outlines the program’s structure and codes of practice as well as processes for decision-making, conflict resolution, data sharing, authorship, publication, and assessment.

Please review these documents and complete the signature forms below to confirm that you have read and understand the program information and expectations contained within.

Reflective Journal Guidelines

Reflective journal entries should be submitted every other month, for the previous months’ reflection. Please submit by Sept 5th (for July through Aug), Nov 5th (for Sept-Oct), Jan 5th (for Nov-Dec), March 5th (for Jan-Feb), May 5th (for March – April), July 5th (for May-June).

Internship Guidelines: Planning, proposal, and reporting


Annual Reports

As part of the NRT grant that funds our program, we need to report on the accomplishments of NRT trainees. To help us collect this information, trainees submit annual reports on their work by May 31 of each year.


Use of Norman Smith Hall Rm 110

There is space available for use by NRT trainees in room 110 in Norman Smith Hall (The Mitchell Center). The room includes conference tables and computer workstations with a variety of programs (e.g., ArcGIS, NVivo, EndNote. SPSS).