Action Plan AY 2022-2025


Action Plan AY 2022-2025

Goal Action Plan Status May 2023
1.Assess, revise, and implement a curriculum that is student-centered, inclusive, and consistent with current ASHA standards
Assess student achievement of learning outcomes

Adapt curriculum as needed to ensure achievement of SLOs

  • Develop undergraduate program outcomes
  • Map undergraduate courses to program outcomes
  • Level SLOs to meet POs
  • Map individual course assignments to leveled SLOs & POs
  • Collect data on SLOs
  • Present data to faculty; discuss any needed modifications to undergraduate curriculum
Undergraduate SLO developed, revised & shared with faculty
Continue to work toward recruiting and retaining a diverse student body Explore creative options that support diverse and non-traditional students 

  • offer introductory course (CSD 130) via in-person and on-line modality as well as summer, fall & spring
  • Explore options for observation hours throughout undergraduate program rather than in one or two courses
  • Strengthen DEI content throughout curriculum
  • Update student recruitment materials 
CSD 130 revised to be general education & early college; at this time will be spring only; continue discussion toward offering in summer

Department logo developed; will be used to update recruitment materials

Support new hires and adjunct faculty teaching in undergraduate program Develop structured orientation/ongoing development
Ensure undergraduate enrollment numbers are sustainable Maintain current enrollment with possible moderate increase

Recruit faculty with interest in undergraduate education

Current enrollment CSD 100= 10
Ensure curriculum is current and meets student needs Review current curriculum and suggest modifications AY 23-24
Ensure curriculum is current, meets student needs and accreditation requirements Review current curriculum and suggest modifications

Explore creative teaching strategies with inter-professional collaboration e.g. simulation

Review and revise process for graduate comprehensive exams

Piloted  new process for comprehensive exams in spring 2023; revisions to rubric and student information in place for spring 2024
Ensure graduate enrollment numbers are sustainable (faculty, clinical placements) Increase enrollment as manageable with current staff; can increase if increase staff Maintain current numbers 
Assess student achievement of learning outcomes

Adapt curriculum as needed to ensure achievement of SLOs

  • Map program outcomes (ASHA standards) to graduate school goals
  • Collect data on SLOs
  • Present data to faculty; discuss any needed modifications to undergraduate curriculum
  • Formalize graduate assessment of SLO
Graduate SLO development in progress through assessment mini-grant
Offer students diversity of clinical experiences across the lifespan
  • Acquire and evaluate clinical practicum sites throughout the state, nationally and globally (school settings, medical settings, community settings, tele-practice)
  • Develop structured support mechanism for preceptor training and acknowledgement
Written Process for placement of students in external sites  developed and added to graduate handbook

Process for evaluation of external sites developed

Continue to work toward recruiting a diverse student body
  • Provide educational opportunities that appeal to diverse student body
  • Increase research opportunities for students
  • Continue to explore financial aid opportunities such as graduate assistantships, scholarships, training grants
  • Offer distinct courses on topics such as cranio-facial, counseling, swallowing
  • Offer elective courses in fall, spring, and summer
  • Recruit sufficient diverse faculty to meet department educational content needs
Ongoing activities

Elective course in counseling offered spring 2023

Faculty recruitment ongoing

2. Enhance research opportunities for students and faculty
Support and mentor new faculty Develop mentorship within and outside department for new faculty

Provide resources e.g. CITL, research center

Increase research activities for UG Increase offerings related to research opportunities e.g. journal club Started spring 2023
Develop collaborative relationships with other units/public for teaching and research Utilize on campus and external resources to provide research and learning opportunities for students and faculty IOM in place, rural cluster collaborative, thesis committee in engineering (Booth, May) , Simulated Collaborative Learning Experience (Husson), Return-to-learn services (student-athletes with concussion), Collaboration with the University of Maine Dept of Ed for the Literacy Connections conference,Peers program
3. Provide service to clients across the life-span with a range of communication disorders while balancing teaching needs
Increase visibility of service mission Improve signage; physical appearance

Consider start-up specialty clinics e.g. voice

ongoing AY 23-24
Collaborate with university & public communities to provide service learning opportunities for students Utilize on campus and external resources to provide service learning  Collaboration with music dept for World Voice Day, Collaboration with Center of Aging,

Special Olympics hearing evaluations


Develop more sustainable business model for clinic

4. Develop strong leadership model for department Work with chair, dean of college to develop sustainable succession planning

Recruit for mid-senior level faculty to assume leadership roles

Still ongoing
Create a working environment that fosters respect and supports diversity Ongoing
5. Develop a diversity initiative for students and faculty that meets the needs of Maine residents AY 23-24

Updated May 19, 2023