Jeremy Juybari

Jeremy is a second year PhD candidate in computer engineering. He completed his MA in mathematics in May 2020, his thesis is titled “The Effects of Image Saturation on Multifractal Statistics” where he developed a technique to rescue 2D Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima statistics from image saturation. This rescue method allows for some previously excluded mammogram subregions to be included in the lab’s research. His PhD research will blend machine learning and the 2D Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima method in order to improve existing models of tumorous cell prediction. His expected graduation is in May 2024.

His interest in wavelets and fractals brought him to UMaine where he could work with Dr. Andre Khalil whose specialty is this area of study. Jeremy’s other project is with the CompuMAINE lab which involves developing metrics for image colocalization that offers different insights than the standard, off-the-shelf algorithms. His lab research involves coding in TCL, R, Python, PyTorch and Bash. Jeremy enjoys the programming and the interdisciplinary nature of the research.  He also founded the machine learning subgroup within the CompuMAINE Lab during summer 2019.

Outside of academia, Jeremy was recently the Chief Executive Officer of a small defense startup from July 2021 to December 2021. This was an intense period and he learned many invaluable business skills. This is described in detail on his LinkedIn profile.

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CV: Click here

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