COBRE Leadership

Clarissa Henry | Director, Center of Biomedical Research Excellence

Clarissa Henry

Professor of Biological Sciences,

Director, Center of Biological Research Excellence in Extracellular Regulation of Cellular Behavior


Clarissa Henry

Dr. Henry’s primary goal is to provide the administrative and mentoring frameworks to help the Research Project Leaders obtain NIH RO1 funding. This goal also necessitates providing mentoring and support for Pilot Project Leaders and other Junior PIs who will apply for Research Project Leader positions as they become available. 

Clarissa is passionate about muscle biology, mentoring, her family (which includes her two grown sons, her two Australian Shepherds she obtained -to her husband’s chagrin- because her sons grew up), mountain biking, paddling, and traveling.

Clarissa Henry and her two dogs

Research topics: Zebrafish models of muscle development, homeostasis, and disease

Biography: Dr. Clarissa Henry, Professor of Biology Sciences

Dr. Henry’s Research program page.

Ph.D., University of Washington, 2000