Gordon Research Seminar June 10 – 11, 2023
Clarissa Henry, Professor, School of Biology and Ecology, Director, Center of Biomedical Research Excellence: Extracellular impacts on cellular behavior, attended a Gordon Research Seminar, Cellular and Molecular Modulation of Myogenesis on June 10 – 11, 2023 in Lucca (Barga), LU, Italy. The meeting focused on advancing understanding of the molecular determinants of muscle development, stem cell regulation in the niche and novel therapeutic potentials for muscle disease and aging. Presentations explored the use of interdisciplinary approaches and harnessing the power of emerging techniques to create new opportunities for scientific discovery within the field of muscle biology.
UMaine was a sponsor for the Gordon Conference on Myogenesis, Clarissa Henry was co-chair with Jeff Dillworth (University of Wisconsin Madison). Kodey Silknitter, a GSBSE T32 recipient, also attended the conference with support from Maine INBRE, BioME, and UMaine. In addition to taking a very interesting cheese making tour, Clarissa and Kodey thoroughly enjoyed learning the latest new science regarding skeletal muscle physiology.
The Gordon Research Conferences provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of frontier research in the biological, chemical, physical and engineering sciences and their interfaces.