The deadline for submission of proposals is 2 December 2019. Proposal abstracts should be fewer than 250 words, and the author should include a brief biography and one-page CV. Proposals for panels are welcome; they should include a brief abstract for the panel as a whole, as well as abstracts for each individual presenter. Proposals will be submitted via online forms (see below). While the selection of papers is rigorous, the ACS conference has an impressive history of bringing together internationally-recognized academics, junior scholars, and independent researchers in productive and provocative sessions.
Those submitting proposals should expect to hear back from conference organizers by the end of January 2020. A conference website, with online registration and accommodation and other information, will be launched about the same time.
To submit proposals, please visit:
For more information, please contact:
Assistant Professor of History and Canadian Studies
University of Maine
(207) 581-2028