
Now accepting nominations and applications for the Canadian-American Center Awards

2021-2022 Foreign Language and Areas studies (FLAS), Canadian-American Center Fellowships, New England-Atlantic Provinces-Québec Fellowships: Call for nominations The Canadian-American Center at the University of Maine would like to announce that it is now accepting applications and nominations for Foreign Language and Areas studies (FLAS) Awards, Canadian-American Center Fellowships, and New England-Atlantic Provinces-Québec Fellowships. Academic Year […]

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POS-243 Canadian Government & Politics

During the Spring of 2022, a new course will be available which provides a historical background to the development of the Canadian political system, POS 243. Introduces the institutions and processes of Canadian government, federalism, political parties, and interest groups. Considers major public policy issues in contemporary Canada. Fulfills general education requirements in “social contexts […]

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The Canadian-American Center at UMaine is organizing a competition for a one-half Academic Year Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Award starting in January 2022. The Award would cover tuition up to $9000, offer a $7500 stipend and cover 50% of Health insurance if bought through UMaine. FLAS Fellowships support graduate students who seek to […]

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La littérature jeunesse en classe de français

‘La Littérature Jeunesse en Classe de Français’

‘’La littérature jeunesse en classe de français” Date : November 9, 2021 Time : 9:30 AM Where:   BIO : Sarah Bertrand-Savard détient une formation universitaire en études littéraires et culturelles et enseigne depuis plus de 10 ans le français langue maternelle et le français langue seconde ou étrangère. Elle est chargée de cours à l’Université […]

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Marie Uguay

The Agony of Time: A Remembrance of Marie Uguay

October 28 @ 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm IMRC Stewart Commons 104 Orono, Maine 04469   Forty years ago this fall—on October 26, 1981—the phenomenal Quebec poet Marie Uguay’s life and writing were cut short by bone cancer. She was twenty-six years old. Associated with Les intimistes (The Intimists), a group of Quebecois poets who emerged in the 1980s and 90s, Uguay […]

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Canada and the Global Refugee Crisis – Dr. Janet Mancini Billson

Join the Canadian-American Center in welcoming Dr. Janet Mancini Billson as she presents “Canada and the Global Refugee Crisis” at UMaine. This presentation explores refugee resettlement and integration challenges in Canada. Examples are based on Dr. Billson’s research in Canada with Doukhobor, Rohingya, Syrian, Kurdish, Bhutanese, Vietnamese, Liberian, and Congolese refugees. The event will take […]

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Work-study opportunity at The Canadian-American Center

The Canadian-American Center is hiring for a work-study position. The position will aide the center’s staff with administrative and communications tasks. This position would be a great opportunity for any major interested in international affairs, business management, or marketing and communications. For the complete job description, and to apply, please visit the UMaine CareerLink website […]

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