
The Loyal Atlantic: Remaking the British Atlantic in the Revolutionary Era

The Loyal Atlantic: Remaking the British Atlantic in the Revolutionary Era Edited by: Jerry Bannister & Liam Riordan Adding to a dynamic new wave of scholarship in Atlantic history, The Loyal Atlantic offers fresh interpretations of the key role played by Loyalism in shaping the early modern British Empire. This cohesive collection investigates how Loyalism […]

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Professor of Geography presents atlas research

Professor of Geography and director of the Canadian-American Center Stephen Hornsby presented on a panel at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, February 24-28, 2012.   The peer-reviewed and selected panel was organized by Middlebury College professor of Geography Guntram Herb, and titled “The Future of the Atlas”.  The week-long conference was attended […]

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Canadian Studies librarian receives Quebec government grant

In November 2011, Canadian Studies librarian Betsy Beattie applied for a grant from the support program for the acquisition of materials on Quebec, a subsection of the Quebec/United States University Grant Program provided by the Quebec government. In January 2012, the Canadian-American Center received word that Fogler Library was awarded a grant to acquire books […]

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Killam Fellowship Awardee receives $5000 Killam Community Action Grant

Mallory Lavoie, a junior majoring in Journalism and French and recent Killam Fellowship awardee, has received a prestigious $5000  Killam Community Action Initiative Award to fund a project she envisions – a French immersion summer camp. Mallory was one of three UMaine students awarded a 2011 Killam Fellowship Program award, and she spent the Spring […]

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Center’s Outreach Coordinator presented Canadian content sessions to teachers

Canadian-American Center’s Canadian Studies outreach coordinator Betsy Arntzen, collaborated with two other outreach coordinators to provide an impressive amount of Canadian content workshop and poster sessions at the 91st annual teachers conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), held in Washington, DC December 1-4, 2011. This year’s Canadian presence at the NCSS […]

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Canadian Studies faculty, grad students and staff presented research at ACSUS in Ottawa

Canadian Studies professors of History, Economics and Political Science, and adjunct faculty of History with two Department of History graduate students and one Canadian-American Center staff presented their research at the 21st biennial meeting of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) conference November 16-20, 2011 in Ottawa. The Canadian Studies professors, […]

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Canadian Studies outreach coordinator presented day-long workshop to Massacusetts teachers

Primary Source, a K-12 professional development center for Massachusetts teachers invited Canadian Studies specialist Betsy Arntzen to present the one day workshop “Canada and its Diversity”, October 20, 2011.  Primary Source promotes history and humanities education by connecting educators with people and cultures throughout the world. Betsy’s program was especially for educators in grades K-7, […]

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