Research Resources

The Canadian Encyclopedia – “The most comprehensive and authoritative source of information on all things Canadian” – The site contains the complete text of the acclaimed Canadian Encyclopedia in English and French, the text of the Junior Encyclopedia of Canada (in English only), numerous interactivities, feature articles, games, the Canucklehead Quiz, and an extensive timeline of Canadian and world events. The entire text can be searched via the simple search or advanced search and the user can switch languages at any time.

Statistics Canada – Statistics Canada produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country—its population, resources, economy, society and culture. The site is a collection of data tables on key subjects. Most of the tables contain data at the Canada, provinces and territories level and provide links to other information on that subject. It includes: Economy, Land, People, Community Profiles, Census, and Learning Resources.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation – The CBC is a national broadcasting company via t.v. and radio. This web site contains current events, streaming audio radio broadcasts in in English, French and eight aboriginal languages, and the CBC Archives, with links to 60 years of broadcast stories.

The Government of Canada – This is the primary Internet portal for information on the Government of Canada, its programs, services, new initiatives and products, and for information about Canadian government and Canadian culture. The About Canada contains images, and links to sites and information about Society, Economy, Land, Government, as well as Canadian maps and symbols.