Canadian Student Feature – Carter Barron

The Canadian-American Center is creating an all-new spotlight for students from Canada. Here is our last student spotlight of the semester, Carter Barron!

Carter Barron is a senior Finance & Management student from Sarnia, Ontario. He chose to attend the University of Maine to see something new and try a different experience. “My favorite thing about UMaine is all the people I’ve met and gotten to know. Although, it’s kinda funny, most of my friends are actually Canadian,” said Carter. Carter chose to be a Finance major for the career opportunities in the field, and because he had an amazing high school finance teacher that influenced him. 

Carter’s favorite thing about the U.S. is the career opportunities, though it is difficult being so far away from family and friends. The thing that surprised Carter the most about moving to UMaine was the lack of fast food in downtown Orono. The things Carter misses the most in Canada are his family, friends, and Lake Huron. When he is not in class, you can find Carter playing hockey on the Men’s Club Hockey team, playing tennis, or reading Stephen King. 

Carter is not fluent in French, but is currently taking an introductory French class and enjoys spending time in Québec.“Culture to me means being close and honest with my family, trying to make genuine connections with everyone I meet, having a good attitude, and respecting people even if we don’t get along,” said Carter. 

Carter’s favorite American restaurant is Tacorita in Orono, and his favorite Canadian restaurant is Harvey’s. After graduation, Carter will be returning home for the summer, but aims to come back in the fall to work in the United States. 

Contact: Amy Blanchard