Canadian Student Feature – Aaron Arteaga
The Canadian-American Center is creating an all-new spotlight for students from Canada! Here
is our second spotlight with Aaron Arteaga! If you are a UMaine student from Canada and
interested in being featured, contact the Canadian-American Center (um.canam@maine.edu) or
Amy Blanchard (amy.i.blanchard@maine.edu).
Aaron Arteaga is a junior majoring in Civil Engineering from Curtis, Ontario. He is a student-athlete as a wide receiver for the football team. Aaron chose to study at UMaine for the athletic opportunities.
“Since I transferred from a commuter school in Canada, it was nice to see a lot of people active on campus,” Aaron said about the University of Maine.
Along with being a committed student-athlete, Aaron is active in the campus’s Christian community and works in the dining hall. Aaron said the thing that surprised him the most about moving to Maine was how much its atmosphere reminded him of Canada.
The thing he misses the most about Canada is his family. “Sometimes it’s tough being so far away from my family. They’ve only gotten to see me play once this season,” said Aaron. Although he misses Canada, Aaron feels culturally connected to his brotherhood of teammates on the football team. He enjoys seeing them every day and feels that they have his back. His favorite American restaurant is Olive Garden. Aaron said he would like to stay in the United States after graduating to work in engineering.
Interview by Amy Blanchard amy.i.blanchard@maine.edu